Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Other than the first few years after a girl begins menstruating and the years approaching menopause, a woman’s period is typically fairly consistent from one month to the next. It is not normal to experience bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex, an unexpectedly heavy or long-lasting period, or bleeding after menopause. If these symptoms occur, request an appointment with one of our providers, because they may be signs of pregnancy, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, infections, abnormal growths, polycystic ovary syndrome, or other conditions.

Abnormal Bleeding Treatment
Treatment for abnormal bleeding depends on the underlying cause. We start by conducting a physical exam and may order blood work, which can evaluate your hormone levels and certain bleeding disorders. A urine pregnancy test may also be required. Based on the results of these initial exams, you may need additional procedures to determine the cause of your abnormal bleeding. These may include ultrasound imaging, MRI’s, a sonohysterography, a hysteroscopy or a biopsy.
In many cases, abnormal bleeding can be treated with medication, such as hormones, birth control pills, or antibiotics. If the bleeding is caused by conditions like fibroids, polyps, or endometriosis surgery may be required.
Abnormal Bleeding FAQs
A full menstrual cycle extends from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. This cycle is expected to be 28 days, but a cycle of 21-35 days is considered to be normal. Vaginal bleeding is considered abnormal if you have bleeding between periods (including light bleeding called spotting), if your menstrual bleeding is heavier or lasts longer than normal, if you experience bleeding after sex, or if you are bleeding after menopause. Request an appointment at Gynecology Associates of Gwinnett if you experience any signs of abnormal bleeding.
Depending on the cause of abnormal bleeding, it may signal an underlying medical condition which could affect your ability to become pregnant. However, it is important not to make assumptions until you have seen a board-certified gynecologist to determine the cause of your bleeding abnormalities.