Ask the Gynecologists: Menopause Phases


While it may be a part of every woman’s life, no two women experience menopause the exact same way. Every journey into menopause is unique, so it’s understandable that this is such a common source of questions and concerns among the women we see here at Gynecology Associates of Gwinnett. To help shed some light on menopause and how it can affect women during and after their transition, our board-certified gynecologists have answered some questions about each phase of the menopause process.

Question #1: How Long Does the Perimenopause Period Last?

The perimenopause (or pre-menopause) period is the time when a woman’s body begins to transition into menopause. On average the perimenopause period lasts roughly four years. However, this can vary significantly from woman to woman. Some women may only experience a few months of perimenopause. By medical definition, perimenopause is not officially over until a woman has gone more than 12 months without having a menstrual period.

Question #2: At What Age Should I Expect to Enter Menopause

Like the length of the perimenopause period, the age at which each woman transitions into menopause will vary. In the US, the average age for a woman to reach menopause is 52. Premature menopause occurs when a woman transitions into menopause before she turns 40. This can happen for women who undergo a hysterectomy at a younger age. Women who experience premature menopause may have an increased risk of menopause-related health conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease.

Question #3: Will Hot Flashes & Other Symptoms Stop During the Post-Menopause Period?

In many cases, menopause symptoms like hot flashes will ease significantly during the post-menopause period. However, this is not a guarantee. Some women may experience these symptoms for as long as a decade following their transition into menopause. If this is the case, we offer treatments including hormone replacement therapy that are intended to reduce menopause symptoms like hot flashes and bone loss that can contribute to osteoporosis.

Menopause is complex and there is a lot to know. That’s why we are always happy to answer questions like this and more during our in-office appointments. For more information on menopause or to request an appointment with one of our reproductive healthcare providers, contact Gynecology Associates of Gwinnett today. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for additional tips, news, updates, and more. And visit us at our full-service medical spa, MadEmEl Medical Aesthetics for all of your cosmetic needs.


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